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Electric Shower Buying Guide

Electric Shower Buying Guide
Written By: | Interiors Specialist
Last Updated Dec 21,2023

Selecting the best electric shower for your bathroom involves considering factors like power, efficiency, and overall performance. In this guide, we will explore some of the top electric showers available, unravel the mysteries of how electric showers work, and address common questions to help you make an informed decision.

Shower Valve After Getting Fitted Into Home

Understanding Electric Showers

What Is An Electric Shower?

An electric shower is a water-heating device that instantly heats water as it flows through the unit, providing hot water on demand.

How Does An Electric Shower Work?

Electric showers operate by drawing cold water from the mains supply, heating it instantly using an in-built heating element, and delivering hot water on demand through the shower head. The user has control over the temperature, providing a customised and consistent shower experience.

Advantages Of Electric Showers:

Electric showers offer several advantages, making them a popular choice for many households. Here are some key advantages of electric showers:

  1. Instant Hot Water: One of the primary advantages of electric showers is their ability to provide instant hot water on demand. Unlike traditional showers that rely on a stored hot water tank, electric showers heat water as it flows through the unit, allowing you to enjoy a hot shower whenever you need it.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Electric showers are known for their energy efficiency. They only heat the water that is used during the shower, eliminating the need to constantly keep a tank of water hot. This can result in cost savings on energy bills, especially for households with varying water usage patterns.
  3. Independence from Central Heating: Electric showers operate independently of the central heating system. This means you can have a hot shower even if your central heating is turned off or experiencing issues. It provides flexibility and convenience.
  4. Consistent Temperature: Electric showers typically have built-in thermostatic controls that help maintain a consistent water temperature. This ensures a comfortable and safe showering experience without sudden temperature fluctuations.
  5. Easy Installation: Electric showers are relatively easy to install, especially compared to systems that require a hot water tank and complex plumbing. This makes them a popular choice for both new installations and replacements.
  6. Space-Saving Design: Electric showers are compact and have a space-saving design, making them suitable for bathrooms of various sizes. Their installation doesn't require additional space for a hot water tank.
  7. Cost-Effective: Electric showers are often more affordable upfront compared to other types of showers, such as power showers or mixer showers. The cost-effectiveness extends to installation, as the plumbing requirements are minimal.
  8. Variety of Power Ratings: Electric showers come in various power ratings (measured in kilowatts), allowing users to choose a unit that suits their specific needs. Higher power ratings can provide a more powerful shower experience.
  9. Minimal Maintenance: Electric showers generally require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning of the showerhead and occasional descaling to remove limescale deposits can help maintain optimal performance.
  10. Independence from Boiler System: Unlike showers that rely on a boiler system, electric showers can be installed in properties with a combi boiler or in locations where a gas supply is not available.

Key Considerations For Your Electric Shower Purchase:

  • Power Rating: Electric showers come in various power ratings, typically ranging from 7.5kW to 10.8kW. Higher power ratings provide a more robust flow and temperature stability, making them ideal for larger households.
  • Safety Features: Look for safety features such as temperature stabilisers, which prevent sudden temperature fluctuations and scalding. Additionally, consider models with phased shutdown to flush out hot water after use, reducing the risk of limescale buildup.
  • Installation Requirements: Check the compatibility of the electric shower with your existing plumbing and electrical setup. Some showers may require additional wiring or modifications to accommodate the desired model.
  • Ease of Use: User-friendly controls and features such as a digital display can enhance your overall showering experience. Consider models with straightforward temperature adjustments and intuitive settings.
  • Brand Reputation: Opt for reputable brands known for quality and reliability. Research customer reviews and ratings to gauge the performance and longevity of specific electric shower models.

Unveiling The Best Electric Showers

Electric showers are known for their efficiency, providing instant hot water without the need for a stored hot water tank. Let's explore some of the top contenders in the electric shower market:

Triton HOME Digital Mixer Shower: Compact yet powerful, the Triton is an excellent choice for smaller bathrooms. It offers a user-friendly design and a range of power options. Triton Amore Electric Shower is also a great option.

Modern Shower Enclosure With Vanity Unit And Wet Room

Mira Showers Sport Max: Renowned for its power and reliability, the Mira Sport Max offers up to 10.8kW of power, ensuring a consistent and invigorating shower experience.

Bristan Bliss: The Bristan Bliss electric shower is celebrated for its sleek design and digital temperature display, providing precision and style in one package.

As you plan to buy the perfect electric shower, consider your household's specific needs, the available power supply, and safety features. By referencing this electric shower buying guide and taking the time to explore reputable brands and models, you'll be well-equipped to make a selection that not only meets your expectations but elevates your daily shower routine.

FAQs About Electric Showers:

How Much Do Electric Showers Cost To Run?

Electric showers are generally cost-effective to run. The cost depends on factors like the shower's power rating, frequency of use, and local electricity rates.

Are Electric Showers Expensive To Run?

No, electric showers are known for their efficiency and are generally cost-effective to run.

Do Electric Showers Heat The Water?

Yes, electric showers have an in-built heating element that heats the water as it flows through the unit.

How Long Do Electric Showers Last?

On average, electric showers can last around 8-10 years with proper maintenance and care.

Is It Safe To Use A Leaking Electric Shower?

No, a leaking electric shower poses safety risks. If you notice any leaks, it's essential to address them promptly and, if necessary, seek professional assistance.

Are Electric Showers Any Good?

Yes, electric showers are reliable, energy-efficient, and offer the convenience of instant hot water without the need for a stored tank.

What Is The Most Powerful Electric Shower?

The Mira Sport Max, offering up to 10.8kW, is considered one of the most powerful electric showers.

What Is The Best 10.5kW Electric Shower?

The Triton Seville is a notable option for a 10.5kW electric shower, combining power and compact design.

How Much Electricity Does An Electric Shower Use On Standby?

Electric showers are designed to be energy-efficient, and their standby consumption is minimal. The exact usage may vary among models.

How Much Is An Electric Shower?

Electric shower prices vary based on brand, features, and power. On average, you can find reliable options ranging from £100 to £300.


Interiors Specialist

Ollie is your guru for all housing interior inspiration, top tips, and new trends. The born & raised northerner has a keen eye for modern and stylish-looking interiors and is constantly on the lookout for the newest and best looks to suit your style.