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Cold Shower Benefits: Should You Take Cold Showers?

Cold Shower Benefits: Should You Take Cold Showers?
Written By: | Bathroom Design Specialist
Last Updated May 5,2023

In recent years, people are prioritising their health and wellness. Focusing on what makes you feel good, and often jumping on the latest trends to improve the body and mind.

Wellness trends come and go, varying from different methods of exercise to obscure diets. A trend that has been in the limelight for a few years now, is cold therapy.

Heavily influenced by athletes and public figures such as Wim Hof, the exposure to cold is a popular method to improve your health.

The idea is that exposure to the cold can boost your metabolism, reduce inflammation and speed up recovery time after physical exercise.

The list of potential benefits has made cold body therapy increasingly popular amongst celebrities and athletes. Using the practice of whole body cryotherapy to expose the body to cold temperatures, professionals swear by the method.

While whole body cryotherapy has a high price tag on it, the Wim Hof method can be adopted and practised from the comfort of your own home with cold showers and baths, making it a more affordable wellness habit.

Submerging yourself in an ice bath might be a bit too extreme if you aren’t used to it. While it has proven to help athletes with recovery time after physical exercise, a short cold shower is a bit more manageable when you’re a beginner.

What Are The Benefits Of Cold Showers?

You may only feel brave enough for a cold shower on a scorching day. There is nothing better than standing in a cold shower when you feel like you’re about to melt during Summer. However, the thought of an icy cold shower at any other time of the year more than likely makes you shiver.

There are a number of potential health benefits to taking cold showers, some of which you might be surprised to learn about.

Improves Circulation

There are many well known ways to help boost your circulation, like cardiovascular exercise and dry brushing your body.

A lesser known way to improve circulation is by taking a cold shower. The shock of the cold water causes your heart to pump more efficiently, resulting in increased circulation.

Increased circulation helps the oxygen and blood flow efficiently throughout the body, improving your overall health. You will also benefit from a clearer and sharper mind, perfect to get your day started!

Soothes And Moisturises Skin

A warm shower always seems inviting, however hot water can be damaging to your skin. Essential oils in the skin which help with moisture are stripped during hot showers, leaving you dry, irritated, and itchy. Switching to cold water can help to lock in the natural moisture in your skin, and might even make you appear more youthful.

Taking a cold shower can also soothe irritated skin. If you suffer from eczema or have recently been sunburnt, the cool sensation of the water works to reduce inflammation and helps with discomfort.

Relieves Stress

Similar to how a cold shower will shock your body to make your heart pump more, the shock of the cold water helps the body create endorphins. Increased endorphins will make you feel good, and may also decrease your cortisol levels, resulting in feeling less stressed.

With the addition of relieving stress, you may also notice a decrease in anxiety and depression.

Energy Boosting

Why take cold showers when they can be warm you ask? Cold showers are a great start to the day, as the shock of the water literally wakes your body up.

It might seem like an awful thought when you are dreading work and want to stand under the warm water for 10 minutes to mentally prepare yourself for the day. However you will be surprised at the amount of mind clarity you could receive from a cold shower in the morning.

If you’re feeling particularly groggy on a Monday morning, then try turning the water cold for a couple of seconds during your shower, building it up to a minute or so. It will seem unpleasant at first, however, if it gives you that much needed morning boost, we think it’s more than worth it!

Soothes Sore Muscles

Possibly the most well known positive effects of cold water immersion is the soothing and healing of aching muscles. As mentioned previously, athletes have been swearing by this method to help speed up recovery time.

Create your own approach to cold water therapy by taking cold showers. You will be able to effectively soothe your aching muscles but won’t be trapped in a pool of icy cold water.

Thermostatic Shower Mounted On White Tiled Background

Things To Consider

Cold showers shouldn’t be used to treat health issues. The potential health benefits we have listed could improve your wellbeing, however, if you have any health concerns always consult with your doctor.

And don’t feel like you have to jump on the bandwagon in trying out this trend. If you do want to give cold showers a go, then test it out gradually and be patient.

Don’t jump to extreme measures and feel like you have to complete a 10 minute freezing cold shower right away. We recommend gradually turning your shower cold, only for a few seconds a time and working your way up.

Browse our range of high quality showers or explore our blog for bathroom advice.


Bathroom Design Specialist

Mia is an expert in all things bathroom. From vanity units to wet rooms and taps to toilets her knowledge of bathrooms is second to none! Her expertise will help guide you into creating your dream bathroom without the stress or worries.